(19th October 2019, The Polish House, 20 Fitzwilliam Pl., Dublin 2)
In 2019 the Irish Polish Society is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its founding. How do Poles in Ireland retain their national identity? Why does the Polish Diaspora integrate so well into Irish society? Are the Poles and Irish similar in their national characters? This Conference includes a range of papers that explore the borders of similarities between two nations, the meaning of friendship, integration and traditions for Poles living in Ireland.
W roku 2019 Towarzystwo Irlandzko – Polskie obchodzi 40. rocznicę utworzenia. W jaki sposób Polacy w Irlandii podtrzymują swoją narodową tożsamość? Dlaczego irlandzka Polonia tak dobrze integruje się z Irlandczykami? Czy jesteśmy do siebie podobni? W trakcie konferencji prelegenci przybliżą uczestnikom granice podobieństw pomiędzy dwoma narodami oraz znaczenie przyjaźni, integracji i tradycji dla Polaków żyjących w Irlandii.
16.45 Registration and distribution of conference materials: Krzysztof Kiedrowski (IPS)
Unveiling the plaque commemorating the opening of the lower floor of the Polish House
17.00 Opening speech: Joanna Piechota (IPS)
17:10 Greetings from Prof. Jolanta Góral-Półrola (Old Polish University)
Conference: 40 years of the Irish Polish Society
Panel Chaired by Dr Joanna Pyłat (World Research Council on Poles Abroad)
17:20 Greetings and Presentation of the Guests – Joanna Piechota (IPS) & Dr Jarosław Płachecki (IPS)
17:40 Gabriel Doherty (UCC)- Ireland and Poland: the Roots of the Irish Polish Society
18:00 Helena Johnston (IPS) – Early Days of the Irish Polish Society
18.20 Hanna Dowling (IPS) – Irish Polish Society: 40 Years of Engagement in Promoting and Encouraging the Arts of Music, Painting and Literature in Ireland
18:40 Patrick Quigley (IPS)- Two Nations: Forgotten Connections
19:00 Q&A: Dr Joanna Pyłat (World Research Council on Poles Abroad)
19:20 Social Evening with Music and Refreshments
20:00 Conference closes
Chair of the IPS Conference: Joanna Piechota (IPS)
Organising Committee: Dr J. Płachecki, Dr J. Pyłat, Prof. J. Góral-Półrola, J. Dolan, K. Kiedrowski.
Registration by email: Krzysztof Kiedrowski (IPS) at kristofkiedrowski@gmail.com or ips.dublin@gmail.com
To include conference papers in 2020 IPS Yearbook please send your proposals to: plachecki.dublin@gmail.com
Proceedings will be held in English and Polish
All Members and Friends Welcome
Letter to members Here…